Resource Center:

Hiroshima University

Amphibian Research Center (Japan)

  1. 箇条書き項目About This Site

  2. This is the website of the "National BioResource Project (NBRP) on the Clawed frogs / Newts. NBRP is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

  3. This site provides embryos, tadpoles, adult frogs/newts, and DNA/RNA for research purposes as well as information to conduct studies by utilizing these bioresources.

  1. 箇条書き項目The resources now available

  1. 箇条書き項目Resources provided by us can be used as...

  2. Research materials at research institutions including universities

  3. Corporate research and development

  4. Materials for training at educational institutes such as high schools and universities

  1. The page Non-Living Resources includes the web links to EST clones that had been distributed by NBRP.

  1. 箇条書き項目Reminder to Users

  2. Please specify the resource provider  in your research papers.

  3. Please be sure to specify the resource provider as "The Xenopus tropicalis strain Nigerian A (Xtr.NigerianAHuarc, RRID: HUARC_1001) was provided by Hiroshima University Amphibian Research Center (RRID: SCR_019015) through National BioResource Project (NBRP) of MEXT." when publishing research papers using resources provided by us. That user requirement is stated in the material transfer agreement.

  4. The official strain names and their RRIDs are listed on the resource detail pages (currently only for X. tropicalis).

  5. Please also include an acknowledgement (an example as follows) in your research paper when web contents maintained by us contribute to the research.

  6. “We thank the National BioResource Project (NBRP) of MEXT for using the Xenopus laevis genome database.”

  7. To promote the use of NBRP resources, we would also appreciate it if you could provide an acknowledgement (an example as follows) for any other support from us.

  8. "We would like to thank National BioResource Project (NBRP, Clawed frogs / Newts) of MEXT and Hiroshima University Amphibian Research Center (RRID: SCR_019015) for technical assistance."

  9. If you used resources or other services of NBRP Clawed frogs / Newts for a research paper and forgot to include acknowledgments of such uses in the paper, please contact the NBRP Clawed frogs / Newts Office. After checking the contents, we will curate the paper in the RRC, the database of papers related to NBRP resources.

  10. Please send your paper PDF or reprint to us and register it with RRC.

  11. Please send a PDF or a reprint of your paper using our resources to the general reception of NBRP Clawed frogs / Newts. In addition, please register its information with Research Resource Circulation (RRC, Those user requirement are stated in the material transfer agreement.

  1. Japanese / English

  1. 箇条書き項目News!!

Non-living Resources

  1. X. tropicalis cDNA clones

  2. X. tropicalis Genomic DNAs

  3. X. tropicalis total RNAs

Living Resources

  1. Xenopus inbred wild type strains

  2. Xenopus mutant lines

  3. Xenopus transgenic lines

  4. X. tropicalis F1 hybrids of inbred strains

  1. Home

  1. Released on 8.1.2020

  2. Prices for academic users in Japan have been revised due to the increased costs associated with breeding and packaging. This revision includes the increase in the sales tax rate. This price revision is not currently reflected in the Web ordering system. Please note that when you order using the Web ordering system, the actual billing amount differs from the billing amount displayed by the system. Price update on the system will be completed soon. The new pricing is here.

  1. Released on 9.1.2020

  2. Prices for users other than academic users in Japan have been revised due to the increased costs associated with breeding and packaging. This revision includes the increase in the sales tax rate. This price revision is not currently reflected in the Web ordering system. Please note that when you order using the Web ordering system, the actual billing amount differs from the billing amount displayed by the system. Price update on the system will be completed soon. The new pricing is here.

  1. Released on 12.27.2020

  2. The movie “Formation and utilization of the resource base for genetics and genomics of Xenopus tropicalis (in Japanese)” has been added to the page “Use of Xenopus tropicalis recommended”.

  1. Released on 12.27.2020

  2. The movie “How to make a free-flowing aquarium for breeding Xenopus tropicalis (in Japanese)” has been added to a page in “Rearing”.
  1. Released on 12.15.2022

  2. On February 20-22, 2023, Technical Workshop for users of the Iberian Ribbed Newts will be held. For more information and registration, click here.

  1. Released on 9.27.2023

  2. Due to the resent Yuh-Pack fee increase, we have updated the resource shipping charges. For the latest shipping charges, please refer to "Pricing”.

  1. Released on 6.24.2024

  2. We have updated the resource provision fee. For more information, please refer to "Pricing”.

  1. Released on 6.24.2024

  2. The symbol for the Xenopus tropicalis strain Nigerian A was changed from NA to NAH.

  1. Released on 12.17.2024

  2. A movie (1’12”) of preparation of capillaries for microinjection into eggs of X. tropicalis has been added to the page “Experimental Protocols”.