技術講習会情報 (Technical Training Course Information)
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2013 Imaging Workshop in Woods Hole・参加登録開始のお知らせ
2013/09/14(Sat) 11:11:18

2013年11月16日〜22日に米国ウッズホール・National Xenopus Resourceで開催されるバイオイメージング講習会の参加登録が始まりました。

Marko Horb博士から以下のメールが届いています。

両生類研究施設・鈴木 厚

Dear Xenopus community,
The first Xenopus Imaging workshop will be held Nov 16-22 and registration is now open. The workshop is being taught by John Wallingford, Lance Davidson and Scott Fraser, along with several TAs.
To register go to the NXR webpage for this workshop (http://www.mbl.edu/xenopus/workshops/imaging-workshop/) and click on "Register here". The workshop has limited space so register early to ensure you can attend the workshop.
Topics to be covered in this imaging workshop include:
1) A primer on microscopes and optics with a focus on practical considerations.
2) Imaging immunostained Xenopus embryos in whole-mount.
3) Live imaging of cells and tissues in intact Xenopus using fluorescent fusion proteins.
4) Live imaging of cells and tissues in explants.
5) Computational post-processing of images for presentation/display.
6) Development of custom imaging assays for students.

The cost for the workshop is $1700 for shared room and $2000 for a single room.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me

Marko Horb
2013 Imaging Workshop in Woods Holeの情報
2013/08/28(Wed) 20:16:55

2013年11月16日〜22日に米国ウッズホール・National Xenopus Resourceにてバイオイメージング講習会が開催されます。


両生類研究施設・鈴木 厚
2013/05/03(Fri) 21:19:02

米国のリソースセンター(National Xenopus Resource, NXR)では、研究者が訪問・滞在して実験技術を習得することができるresearch hotelを設置しています。Marko Horb博士より、概要を紹介するメールが届きましたので掲載いたします。

日本のNBRP(広島大学)、英国のEuropean Xenopus Resource Centre (EXRC;ポーツマス大学)においても、それぞれオープンラボとリサーチホテルを設置しており、研究者が短期滞在して実験技術を習得をすることができます。NBRPの場合、オープンラボの使用料金は基本的に無料、宿泊は学内の宿泊施設(1泊3800円)が利用可能です。3月の技術講習会では、オープンラボおよび学内宿泊施設を使用し、講習会参加者にとても好評でした。

両生類研究施設・鈴木 厚

Hello Xenopus community
I wanted to inform all of you that we do have space at the NXR for visiting researchers. If anyone is interested in coming and spending a week or more here please let me know. The cost for such a service is $500/week and that covers all of your consumables (chemicals, frogs, etc.). You would have to find a place to stay, but the MBL has ample housing available outside the summer. There might be room during the summer but you would have to reserve in advance. The NXR can raise tadpoles for you at a cost depending on the number.

If this interest you pleas email me for more details and to arrange such a trip.

As mentioned in a previous email the NXR is doing TALENs and we now have all the reagents and have successfully used the TALENs in laevis. This might be one reason for people to come and spend some time here, or to make some transgenics or use the imaging facilities, etc.

Hope everyone has a great summer. You will hear from me in the near future about the Imaging workshop that will be held in November and run by John Wallingford and Lance Davidson


Marko Horb, Ph.D.
Director, National Xenopus Resource (NXR)
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

2013 Bioinformatics Workshop in Woods Hole (Final Reminder & Course Syllabus)
2013/04/09(Tue) 09:23:43

Marko Horb博士より、バイオインフォマティクス講習会のFinal Reminderが届きましたので掲載いたします。講師は、Bob Freeman and Leon Peshkin (Harvard Univ., USA), Mike Gilchrist(NIMR, UK)の予定です。以下に、メールの内容とコースシラバスを記載します。

両生類研究施設・鈴木 厚

Hello Frog people,
This email serves as a final reminder to register for the upcoming Bioinformatics workshop being held here at the MBL.

The course will run from Sunday to Sunday May 12-19, with arrival and dinner on the 12th and departure after lunch on the 19th. Please go to the following web page and click on the REGISTER HERE text:

There are still several spots available, but registration will close April 19.


Marko Horb, Ph.D.
Director, National Xenopus Resource (NXR)
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Outline course syllabus

We are still working on the day to day timetable and syllabus, but the following is a somewhat
progressive list of the skills and methods that you will be exposed to:
‐ working at the command line, and the basic computing paradigms
‐ bits, bytes, ascii codes and text files: the nature of computer data
‐ simple command line tools for data manipulation: grep, sed and awk
‐ databases: building tables and writing SQL to manipulate and analyse data
‐ using third party tools at the command line to generate data
‐ shell scripting: the simplest way to combine multiple operations and build pipelines
‐ computer programming at different levels: perl, C and maybe java and python
‐ high level languages for complex functionality: R/Bioconductor and Matlab?
‐ advanced computational and data analysis techniques
‐ specifics of Xenopus genomics data: status and downloading
‐ sequence mapping, and HTS data analysis
‐ over‐represented motif analysis
‐ visualizing data on genome browsers
‐ computational aspects of proteomics
‐ clustering
‐ principle component analysis
‐ Bayesian approaches to biological data
‐ machine learning

This is about a 50:50 split between acquiring essential basic skills and more advanced topics, the ability
to apply the more complex ideas will largely depend on your facility with the basic skills. For the
advanced topics there may not be time to explore their application in depth, but you should get a good
sense of why and how you might use them.

2013/03/20(Wed) 11:35:38





技術講習会責任者・鈴木 厚

2013 Bioinformatics Workshop in Woods Holeの詳細情報
2013/02/26(Tue) 20:05:11

5月に米国のリソースセンター(National Xenopus Resource, NXR)において、バイオインフォマティクスの講習会が開催されます。Marko Horb博士より、詳細情報が届きましたので掲載いたします。RNA Seq解析に興味のある研究者には最適の講習会となっています。

ご質問等ございましたら、両生類研究施設・鈴木 厚(asuzuki#hiroshima-u.ac.jp)にご連絡いただいても構いません。
(# を @ に換えて下さい。)

Dear Xenopus Community,
Just a polite reminder that registration for the 2013 Bioinformatics Workshop is now open. Space is limited to 25 people so register as soon as possible. The course will run from Sunday to Sunday May 12-19, with arrival and dinner on the 12th and departure after lunch on the 19th. Please go to the following web page and click on the REGISTER HERE text:

Cost is $1900 for single
$1550 for double
These costs include room and board for the entire period.

One of the portions of this course will be to have you bring your data and analyze it throughout the course with the help of the teachers. Leonid Peshkin, Bob Freeman and Mike Gilchrist will be lecturing and providing insight. They are an excellent group and very helpful and knowledgeable. There are many facets to the workshop, but if you are doing RNA Seq analysis in your lab then this workshop is essential. Even if you have no knowledge of how to write script this workshop will teach you how. If you have any questions feel free to contact me; and if you would like to talk to students from last year do get in touch and I can provide you with names to contact them and ask them what they thought.

A last note- you can register and pay later that is an option.


Marko Horb, Ph.D.
Director, National Xenopus Resource (NXR)
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

CSHL course・Cell and Developmental Biology of Xenopusへの参加者募集について(2月21日締切)
2013/02/12(Tue) 14:28:58

米国コールドスプリングハーバー研究所において開催される技術講習会・Cell and Developmental Biology of Xenopusへの参加者募集の連絡が入りました。ツメガエル胚を使った各種の技術講習に加え、講習会期間中には各分野の第一人者の研究者が訪れてレクチャーを行ないます。

(時差ボケのため、深夜も実験して日本へ国際電話もかけることもできました。講習会中に行なったin situは後に論文のデータにもなりました。)


両生類研究施設・鈴木 厚

From Amy Sater and Jerry Thomsen:

Greetings Colleague - -

Amy Sater and I am emailing to tell you that we have a few more openings for participants in the upcoming CSHL course: Cell and Developmental Biology of Xenopus, happening April 5-16, 2013. Please inform any potentially interested colleague, postdoc, or grad student (or maybe you would like to participate?

The course provides an intensive, hands on learning experience that is especially beneficial for graduate students and postdocs who are new to the system. We will cover core methods (e.g. whole mount in situ hybridization, tissue grafting, microscopy and husbandry) but we will also get a dose of emerging applications such as chromatin IP, TALEN mutagenesis, genomics, and of course microscopic analysis.

Course details and application:

Yes, sending a student will cost some $, \, £, €, ﷼, ₴ or possibly even лв (or other), we know that your investment will be worthwhile. The hands-on training and personal connections with experts in our field will definitely repay the cost by reducing wasted time, effort and over the long run (especially when you consider that your participant will disseminate the methods to your lab members). If yours happens to be a US domestic applicant, there will be about a 50% tuition subsidy (thanks to NIH funds - yes we still have them).

The application process has been extended until February 21, so send us a worthy applicant! Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Jerry Thomsen and Amy Sater

Gerald H. Thomsen, PhD.
Dept. Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Center for Developmental Genetics
Stony Brook University

Amy K. Sater
Assoc. Professor
Assoc. Chair for Undergraduate Affairs
Dept. of Biology and Biochemistry
University of Houston

2013/02/09(Sat) 07:56:19

第3期NBRPでは、ネッタイツメガエルユーザーの利便性を向上させるために、短期滞在型オープンラボを開設しました。技術講習会での利用だけでなく、学内外の研究者が、私たちNBRPスタッフのサポートの元、ネッタイツメガエルを使った実験やサンプル調製をおこなうことが出来ます。また、オープンラボでは、非生体リソース担当者(鈴木 厚・竹林公子)がRNAやホールマウントin situハイブリダイゼーション用の胚を調製し、品質管理業務を日常的に行なっています。

様々な実験機器が導入されており、既に活用が始まっています。オンライン予約システムによる予約利用制になっております。ご利用になりたい方は、利用申請方法・機器使用方法・実施研究のご相談等についてオープンラボ責任者・鈴木 厚(asuzuki@hiroshima-u.ac.jp)、または同担当者・竹林公子(ktsuzuki@hiroshima-u.ac.jp)までご連絡ください。

米国ウッズホール・Embryology courseの参加登録が延長されています
2013/01/27(Sun) 16:02:56

毎年、米国ウッズホールで開催されているEmbryology courseの参加登録が2月8日まで延長されています。



ご質問等ございましたら知人に聞いてみますので、両生類研究施設・鈴木 厚(asuzuki@hiroshima-u.ac.jp)にご連絡いただいても構いません。

両生類研究施設・鈴木 厚


Hi All,

MBL has extended the application deadline for all summer courses, including Embryology, to February 8, 2013.
Could you spread the word about this extension and encourage outstanding graduate students and postdocs to apply?
I am sure you know that we have very significant scholarship support to help with the cost of the course for all accepted students.
Thanks so much,

2013/01/17(Thu) 12:59:30



技術講習会責任者・鈴木 厚
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